Leveraging best practices such as ITIL and "follow the sun" support structures, extensive technology partner network, level 1, 2 & 3 support, early adopter user training, roll out hyper care, BAU support and knowledge base creation

Go Live planning and execution, end-user & super user training, user support, drop-in clinics, hyper care, knowledge base creation, Level 1, 2 & 3 support for any scale rollouts, small, large, global, multisite etc.

ERP, Registration, Inventory, ELN, LIMS integration, laboratory instruments & robotics, project planning & lab audit tools, integration layer technology, instrument data standards (ADF, AniML, SiLA etc.), tech blueprints

"Always on", end-user support, proven scale, quality, processes and knowledge of scientific applications have a measurable impact on end-user efficiency, satisfaction and application downtime.