Scientific Application Managed Services

Management and upkeep of scientific applications is a major undertaking for any organisation. Keeping track of user requests and issues, major and minor upgrades, new feature training, system optimisation, and help desk management are critical to ensuring application uptime and end-user satisfaction. Leveraging our partner network and experience, Zifo provides holistic scientific application managed services that can be tailored to your environment and demands.

Leveraging best practices such as ITIL and "follow the sun" support structures, extensive technology partner network, level 1, 2 & 3 support, early adopter user training, roll out hyper care, BAU support and knowledge base creation

Go Live planning and execution, end-user & super user training, user support, drop-in clinics, hyper care, knowledge base creation, Level 1, 2 & 3 support for any scale rollouts, small, large, global, multisite etc.

ERP, Registration, Inventory, ELN, LIMS integration, laboratory instruments & robotics, project planning & lab audit tools, integration layer technology, instrument data standards (ADF, AniML, SiLA etc.), tech blueprints

"Always on", end-user support, proven scale, quality, processes and knowledge of scientific applications have a measurable impact on end-user efficiency, satisfaction and application downtime.