Zifo works with many Pharmaceutical companies all around the globe - from the very largest to some of the smallest. We understand the complex science and interplay of different processes and disciplines that are needed to deliver new treatments to patients. Coupling science and extensive informatics experience we support R&D, Manufacturing and Clinical trials for large & small molecule and new types of treatments such as gene & cell therapies.
That's good. The implementation corresponds exactly to what we had discussed. Good work. 👏👍 – Medium Speciality Chemicals
Our expertise spans the broad spectrum of scientific process applications and informatics, and we're able to draw on a huge marketplace of partnerships with science technology providers to help provide an independent, knowledgable and agnostic perspective.

Analytical Testing
Assay development and validation, instrument data acquisition and integration, regulatory and QC data reporting, lab inventory and metrology, workflow automation and validation

Cell & Molecular Biology
Manipulation of biology at the 'Omic level and its downstream effects uses many different techniques such cloning, plasmid design, cell transfection and protein/product production.

Computational Design & Modeling
Molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics, virtual screening, structure-based design, docking & QSAR, high-performance computing, storage and cloud informatics

PLM, recipe and ingredients management in ERP, formulation development process and statistical DOE and analytical data collection and management in LIMS and ELN

Design of experiments (DoE), inventory & materials management, robotics, instrument integration, workflow automation, system monitoring and data analytics

In Vitro & In Vivo
Early Pharmacology, ADME, Assay Automation, PK/PD, Assay Development & Validation, Bioanalysis, Inventory Management etc. and the linked regulatory aspects of GLP and IND/NDA/BLA creation support.